Brian Cryer's Web Resources

.asl file extension

1. ACTIVE Solutions Europe Limited database file.

These files are used by Provider, part of the Total Solution Mapping offering from ACTIVE Solutions Europe Ltd. This is an easy to use spatial information system designed to allow business users to view and analyse their own spatial data.

The contents of the .asl file can be viewed by opening the database file using MS-Access. Care should be taken not to open it using the wrong version of MS-Access as any database changes made by MS-Access if it upgrades the database may make the database unreadable by the ACTIVE application that uses it.

For more information see:

2. Adobe Photoshop style layer file.

A .asl file commonly referred to as a "Layer Style" file. It contains the configuration and settings for every latyer style used to create a special effect on a layer in Adobe Photoshop.

Adobe Photoshop expects to find .asl files in the folder:

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop N\Presets\Styles where "N" is the version number for the version of Photoshop.

3. Smiley definition file for Miranda IM.

Miranda IM is an instant messenger client. A .asl file contains a definition for a smiley (or emoticon).

For more information see:

Can you add to this? Do you know of any applications not already listed which will work with .asl files, view .asl files or open .asl files? Are you able to contribute any additional reference information or file format information about .asl files or have you spotted any errors or omissions? If so please let us know by emailing us at feedback@cryer.co.uk - Thank you.