Brian Cryer's Web Resources

Global Search Engines

The search engines listed under the 'Global' category are ones which service more than one international region and which have offices in more than one country, i.e. they are truly international. Otherwise engines are listed according to the region they serve or the region in which they are based.

www.alltheweb.com Spider Powered by FAST. Add URL
www.findfiles.net Spider

FindFiles.net is a search engine targeted specifically at finding various kinds of files, such as text documents, audio, video, executables, source code, software packages, and so on.


Human editor All submissions are reviewed by human editors.
Spider Search spider. Will search most or all of a site not just the page that was added to its index.
$ These sites charge to add a site to their index or may charge to improve the ranking of a site.

To report errors or omissions please e-mail feedback@cryer.co.uk.