Brian Cryer's Web Resources

Remote Desktop Control Software Selection Wizard

This page is part of the remote desktop control software selection wizard. If you have ended up here accidentally then please follow this link to restart the wizard.

Your Responses

You have provided the following answers to the remote desktop control selection wizard:

  1. Thinking about the computer that you want to remotely control, what operating system does it run?

    You answered: "Unix / Linux" or "Some other operating system"

Change my answer


You should look at using VNC.

Reasons Why

  1. VNC can be used to control any computer running Windows, Linux, Solaris or HP-UX.
  2. The other solutions reviewed, only support Windows.

Start the wizard over again

The information on this page, and the information contained in the review pages, is believed to be correct. If you find any errors or omissions please report these via e-mail to: feedback@cryer.co.uk.