Brian Cryer's Web Resources


QWEAS - Software search engine. Site offers shareware, freeware and related services. The site's stated objective is to make information on software universally accessible. The name QWEAS is taken from the five characters located at the top left corner of a standard qwerty keyboard. Notionally it also stands for "Quick, Easy, Search".

URL: www.qweas.com
Free to submit to: Yes
Pop-up/under free: Yes
Conducts own review: No
Site search: Yes
Provides user feedback: No
Rating system: No
Accepts PAD files: Yes
Gives download figures: No
No link back needed: Yes Software authors do not need to provide a link back to the site from their own web site.
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If you wish to report any errors on this page then please e-mail: feedback@cryer.co.uk.