Brian Cryer's Web Resources


Download shareware, freeware games, utilities and other software.

URL: www.downloadshareware.com
Free to submit to: No The site does not charge for submissions. However, it only accepts software submissions from authors who are members of the Association of Shareware Professionals,  since membership of that organisation is by annual subscription and therefore there is a cost (albeit indirect) involved in submitting to this site. This in turn means that you are unlikely to find any freeware on this site, but only shareware.
Pop-up/under free: Yes
Conducts own review: No
Site search: Yes
Provides user feedback: No
Rating system: No
Accepts PAD files: Yes The pad file submission link is accessible from the website of the Association of Shareware Professionals and not directly from www.downloadshareware.com.
Gives download figures: No
No link back needed: Yes Software authors do not need to provide a link back to the site from their own web site.
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If you wish to report any errors on this page then please e-mail: feedback@cryer.co.uk.