Brian Cryer's Web Resources


Freeware and shareware, categorized in: Audio Multimedia, Business, Communications, Desktop, Development, Education, Games Entertainment, Graphic Apps, Home Hobby, Network Internet, Security Privacy, Servers, System Utilities and Web Development.

URL: www.coredownload.com
Free to submit to: Yes Developers must create an account before they can submit software, but this is free.
Pop-up/under free: Yes
Conducts own review: Yes Some (but not all) products are reviewed.
Site search: Yes
Provides user feedback: Yes users can provide a rating from 1 to 5 stars.
Rating system: Yes only in terms of rating, no free text reviews.
Accepts PAD files: Yes be aware that they only accept the pad file if one of the contact emails in the pad file is the same as for the developer account used to submit the pad file.
Gives download figures: Yes
No link back needed: Yes Software authors do not need to provide a link back to the site from their own web site.

Where would you like to go next:

If you wish to report any errors on this page then please e-mail: feedback@cryer.co.uk.