Brian Cryer's Web Resources

Many Home Pages ...
What do each of the controls do?

URL List
The list of URLs that are in the currently selected page group. For a new page group this will be empty. You can position the cursor into the URL list and edit, insert and delete the entries in the list directly. Any changes to the list will not be stored unless the ‘Update/Save’ button is pressed.
Update/Save button
Stores any changes you have made to the currently selected page group as a browser cookie. These cookies will eventually time out and be deleted if you do not use them. So if you do not use a page group for a while (currently set at a year) then the page group will automatically disappear.
Cancel button
Cancels any changes that you may have made to the current page group. This reloads the previous contents of the page group.
Go/Test button
Causes a separate browser window to be opened for each URL in the current page group.
Add Group button
This will create a new page group. The name of the page group will be whatever you have entered into the text box to the right of the ‘Add Group’ button. No new page group will be created if the text box is empty or if it contains the name of an existing page group.
Delete Group button
This will delete a page group. To prevent accidental deletion of a page group, the name of the page group must be typed into the text box to the left of the ‘Delete Group’ button. The group will not be deleted if it is the current group. Also, the ‘Default’ group cannot be deleted.