Brian Cryer's Web Resources

CryPing: Frequently Asked Questions

This list of frequently asked questions will be extended over time.

See also CryPing - Examples.

If you cannot see your question in the above list then you can email the author care of support@cryer.co.uk.

Are there any reviews of CryPing

If you google you can find reviews of CryPing.

LoveMyTool recently included a review of CryPing. You can find the review here: http://www.lovemytool.com/blog/2012/12/dont-ping-when-you-can-cryping-by-tony-fortunato.html and the YouTube video which goes with it here: http://youtu.be/fjqDNAAKxeE

Why not download it and see if it does what you want.

Can you ping a port?

With CryPing you can ping a port. The flag "-p port-number" allows you to ping the specified port number. So:

C:\>cryping -p 119 www.cryer.co.uk
CryPing - from www.cryer.co.uk v1.2 (build Jan 2008)
Pinging port 119 on www.cryer.co.uk:

Failed to connect to www.cryer.co.uk, port 119
Failed to connect to www.cryer.co.uk, port 119
Failed to connect to www.cryer.co.uk, port 119
Failed to connect to www.cryer.co.uk, port 119

Ping port statistics for port 119 on www.cryer.co.uk:
    Request: Made = 4, Successful = 0, Failed = 4 (10)% loss).

This shows an attempt to ping the TCP/IP port 119. In this example the ping is failing and is this is because the www.cryer.co.uk site does not run an NNTP server - NNTP being the service which might typically be listening on port 119.

You can also use the flag "-port port-number", which is slightly easier to remember but otherwise is the same as "-p port-number".

Be aware that you can only ping TCP/IP ports, not UDP ones.

What is the difference between "-p 80" and "-http"?

The flag "-p 80" tells CryPing to ping port 80, which is the port used for HTTP requests. The flag "-http" tells CryPing to ping using HTTP. Both use the same port, but the behaviour is different.

The flag "-p 80" tells CryPing to simply check whether a connection can be made to port 80 and how long it takes to complete the connection, e.g.:

C:\>cryping -p 80 www.cryer.co.uk
CryPing - from www.cryer.co.uk v1.2 (build Jan 2008)
Pinging port 80 on www.cryer.co.uk:

Successful connection to www.cryer.co.uk port=80 time=88ms
Successful connection to www.cryer.co.uk port=80 time=26ms
Successful connection to www.cryer.co.uk port=80 time=28ms
Successful connection to www.cryer.co.uk port=80 time=25ms

Ping port statistics for port 80 on www.cryer.co.uk:
Requests: Made = 4, Successful = 4, Failed = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times:
Minimum = 25ms, Maximum = 88ms, Average = 42ms

This shows whether something is listening on port 80, but without any requirement as to what is listening on that port.

The flag "-http" tells CryPing to check whether it can connect to the HTTP server, and how long it takes to complete the connection, e.g.:

C:>cryping -http www.cryer.co.uk
CryPing - from www.cryer.co.uk v1.2 (build Jan 2008)
Pinging www.cryer.co.uk for http status:

Reply from www.cryer.co.uk: 200 OK time=129ms
Reply from www.cryer.co.uk: 200 OK time=45ms
Reply from www.cryer.co.uk: 200 OK time=45ms
Reply from www.cryer.co.uk: 200 OK time=45ms

HTTP ping statistics for www.cryer.co.uk:
Requests: Sent = 4, Responses = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
200 OK 4 times (100%)
Approximate round trip times:
Minimum = 45ms, Maximum = 129ms, Average = 66ms

So in this case it is testing that what is listening on port 80 does appear to be a web/HTTP server.

So, in summary "-p 80" checks whether something is listening on port 80 but it does not matter what is listening, whereas "-http" (which also connects to port 80") checks that there is an HTTP server listening.

How do you uninstall CryPing?

CryPing is a command line utility and it does not come with either an install program or with an uninstall program. If you no longer require CryPing then simply delete it, nothing else is required.